Business Unfiltered
Creating New Offers
March 19, 2024
Welcome back to Business Unfiltered with Mercer and Jeff Sauer today's topic is Creating New Offers 0:00: Creating and improving business offers. Mercer defines an offer as a way to pitch a product or service, keeping it fresh and interesting to keep the market engaged. Jeff agrees, adding that the word offer is more encompassing than sales or marketing, as it includes various ways to pitch a product or service. 4:07: Creating effective offers in business. Mercer reflects on his past approach to creating offers. He emphasizes the importance of connecting sales and marketing to the offer, rather than treating it as a separate entity. Jeff discusses creating an offer, mentioning Alex Hermoza's approach of packing in sales and marketing techniques to make an offer so good that people feel stupid saying no. 7:30: Creating effective offers in business. Jeff discusses the importance of creating a valuable offer that prompts action, highlighting the need to deliver on promises and ensure profitability. He emphasizes the importance of marketing before making an offer, as it creates a warm audience and adds to the demand for the sales component. 11:12: Evolving sales strategies for online offers. Jeff shares how his thinking has evolved on how he approaches offers over time, from a one-on-one problem-solving approach to a more structured and optimized online sales process. Mercer learned from a particular webinar expert (Jason Flattie) how to craft a more effective offer by focusing on the customer's perspective and creating a systematic approach to sales. 16:11: Creating an irresistible offer using objections and bonuses. Mercer shared his recipe for creating an offer: list every possible objection and make sure the offer addresses them. He also learned the power of using bonuses and making the bonus the main selling point. 20:52: Validating products through customer conversations. Jeff emphasizes talking to customers to validate an offer, rather than relying on worksheets or assumptions. He shares his experience of over-indexing on one person's feedback to improve his product. Still, he acknowledges the risk of failing if the feedback is not representative of the larger market. 22:39: Creating effective offers for products and services. Jeff emphasizes the importance of guidance and implementation help when using templates, citing his experience with a book funnel template. He explains the importance of making low-risk offers to potential clients, de-risking their investment, and increasing the chances of a successful sale. 28:02: Simplifying and personalizing sales offers for better results. Mercer discusses the importance of personalizing offers to individual prospects, finding the right balance between high-ticket and low-ticket offers, and avoiding generic templates to build muscle and trust with clients. 29:57: Simplifying offers to increase sales. Jeff emphasizes the importance of creating a simple, single offer per campaign, rather than multiple options.
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